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How to choose a career

If you're stuck for job ideas and knowing where your skills might best be served, it's worth taking the time to come up with a plan - simply follow these four steps to choosing a career::

  1. identify your skills and interests

  2. explore career ideas

  3. make a decision

  4. set achievable goals

This model can be used by anyone - from school leavers to students, graduates and career changers.

assess your skills and interests:

You can use this online free assessment to identify your skills and further explore the different career options available to you.

Explore a career in coding

Shaquilla, a Full Stack Engineer speaks about her experience in the technology sector. She spoke to us about everything from coding to building applications and websites and shares her knowledge with young people who are interested in getting into this sector. Check out her video below:

How to find a job

Whether you're a student, have recently graduated or are employed and considering moving on, looking for a job can take time - so focus on these essential steps to landing a suitable role:

1. Start your job search by making good use of the following resources:

  • careers fairs and events

  • GOV.UK's Find a Job service

  • jobs boards

  • local and national press

  • recruitment agencies

  • sector-specific websites

  • social media

  • university careers and employment services.

2. Gain experience to introduce you to the skills you'll need and help you to develop them. Experience can take a number of forms, including:

During the pandemic, virtual work experience replaced many of these traditional methods, but work experience and internship opportunities are becoming available again now.

For some more ideas, explore how to get a job with no experience.

3. Network by making yourself and your ambitions known to those already in the industry.

You'll need confidence and a proactive attitude to approach employers, but try not to feel intimidated. You can start networking from home - your first point of call should be your friends, family and colleagues. You can also connect with professionals and organisations through platforms such as LinkedIn.

4. Tailor your CV once you've found the role you'd like to apply for.

Include examples from your past experience that match the skills and experience listed in the job description. By doing so, you'll stand out from other candidates. You may also be asked to provide a cover letter, this is your opportunity to express why you want to work for the company. Learn how to write a CV, and the top 7 CV mistakes to avoid. The Princes Trust has a great video tutorial on how to write a good CV.

5. Prepare for the interview beforehand, it will help you speak clearly and confidently, and leave the interviewer with a great first impression. It's important to research the company and its achievements, as well as current affairs within the wider sector, but you could also plan answers to typical interview questions, and think about the questions you'd like to ask the employer. check out this great interview tips.