Happy New Year - in the words of a young person

Hey guys! I hope you’ve had a fantastic holiday so far. This year has been quite tricky for some and maybe quite nice for others but going into 2022 we should leave all those issues behind and focus on moving forward into a positive and opportunity filled year.

To start 2022 off on a positive note you could make a list of new years resolutions and goals for the year to come, whether it is working on school work or relationships or even your mental health, it is always good to set a clear path in the direction that you want to go, and during this year you may lose your path or encounter some tricky times, and that’s okay because not every day is going to be perfect.

If you are going through a tricky time whether it’s school, home, work or friendships please share with a trusted friend or adult as talking things out can really help.

As exciting as it can be moving on into a new year, it is always important to reflect on the year that has passed and everything that has happened whether it is good or bad, as this will help us move on into the new year and ensure that we have the best year possible.

Maybe this new year you may want to pick up a new hobby, try learning a new skill, or start a new project. But either way I hope you all have a lovely New Year and see it as an opportunity to grow and be the best you can be. Because this year is going to be the year.


(YAA young person)